How over population causes effect on climate change ?

Overpopulation is a major cause of climate change. The relationship between the two issues is undeniable, and it is important to reduce population growth in order to curb global warming. But governments and international organizations are reluctant to recognize that overpopulation is a major factor in solving problems. Thomas Robert Malthus's appalling predictions are likely to work without comprehensive action on demographic issues.

➦ Talking about global climate change is a waste of time without accepting the role of overpopulation. It's like talking about gun violence in the United States, regardless of the millions of military-style firearms that private citizens have. Any serious attempt to solve the problem undermines the widespread reluctance to address the root causes.

➦ In the case of firearms, we can compare their criminal use rates in different countries and reach applicable decisions. Unfortunately, we are unaware of other planetary civilizations that can be compared to the population problem of our world. But make sure our third little rock from the sun is in trouble. Big problem. With so many people using more resources - and more carbon dioxide (CO2) being released into the atmosphere - we are primarily responsible for the solution we have.

➦ Consider this: According to a 2009 study by Oregon State University, a child born in the US can reduce the "carbon legacy" that can be saved 20 times over the course of a lifetime. Through recycling, high mileage vehicles, conservation of resources and the use of energy-efficient light bulbs and equipment.

➤  Rushing Head long

➦ Please cooperate with me when I clarify some general facts that need to be clarified about the relationship between unscientific inclination and overpopulation and the rise of atmospheric greenhouse gases.

➦ In 1950, 25 billion people were scattered around the world. There are now about 7.6 billion. According to the UN, the number will rise to 9.8 billion by the end of this century.

➦ Now, compare atmospheric CO2 levels. In 1950, the carbon dioxide level was 300-310 parts per million (ppm). Asans piles have grown, fishermen have been fishing, farmers have been farming, perennial ice is permanent, poles are frozen, and there is enough food to go around, at least in theory. The atmosphere of Planet Earth is very stable.

➦ Fast forward to 2018 and the CO2 level is more than 400 ppm. (This is not so much in 3 million years. At that time, the number of humans was exactly zero.) The climate is uneven and often frightening. Oceans are rising and seafood is collapsing. Farms in the former fertile areas are under limited fresh water supply and pest control. Permafrost melts, glaciers retreat and water travels around the North Pole during the summer. Don’t forget: there are more than 5 billion mouths than the 1950s.

➦ If the current situation sounds scary to you, consider this: By 2100, CO2 levels will rise between 540 and 970 ppm (depending on what situation). If the worst prediction comes to fruition, we are heading towards the "hothouse earth", a world dominated by dinosaurs 100 million years ago.

➦ So what's a poor planet to do when its dominant species refuses to stop its population growth, insults the wound, and forces the thermostat to rise? The desire to get rid of most of the unwanted guests may be the answer.

Recycling Is not Enough

➦ Humans use natural resources at a rate that exceeds the planet's potential. The World Wide Fund for Nature reported on The Guardian, "Trees are quick to remove males, swiftly and quickly catch fish and send oceans, water from rivers and Dioxide generation

➦ It is true that people around the world are making serious efforts to reduce consumption and environmental degradation. More power to them. To get the chance to fight to avoid the ill effects of global climate change, we must take the issue of overpopulation seriously. As the Oregon State study cited above noted, "savings from lower regeneration are huge compared to savings by lifestyle changes."

➦ If the weather changes as a result of global warming; If global warming is mainly attributed to human activity; If those human activities include air pollution and excessive use of natural resources by a growing population of greenhouse gases - why not connect and clearly accept the dots? Overpopulation is not only a contributing factor to climate change, it is also the root cause of the problem.

➦ Yes, we all need to reduce our carbon footprint, but time is running out. According to the Center for Biodiversity, when it comes to climate change survival, "we only need a few feet"

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